Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions, fill in the following column and return it to us.

Please be sure to fill in items marked " * ".

Company name
Section name
Your title or position
* Your name
* Country or area
* Phone number
Fax number
E-mail address
* Subject
* Your question or suggestion

Before making an inquiry, please read the following.

By sending your personal data, you are consenting to the following.

  • We use your personal data for the purpose of improve our services in general.
  • [Our group companies] [third party contractors] may use the personal data to the extent necessary to carry out such purpose.
  • You can request us at any time to disclose, correct or delete your personal data that are retained by us.
  • Please look at our Privacy Policy.
  • Children under 16 years old are requested to make an inquiry after receiving the consent of their parents or guardians.

When you can agree with the notes before inquiring , please attach the following check "on which it agrees" and click a "check" button.


Contact us


Marine System Sales Dept.(Tokyo)
Tel:+81-3-3454-6411 / Fax:+81-3-3454-6340
Marine System Overseas Sales Dept / Marine System Sales Dept.(Osaka)
Tel:+81-6-6397-3461 / Fax:+81-6-6397-3475

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