Industrial Cameras FAQ/ LED is blinking in red in BU ...

LED is blinking in red in BU camera.  What camera status does this indication indicate?(No.1559)

When an error is detected during data transfer, indicator LED will be turned on in red for 500 milliseconds.
When data transfer errors are detected continuously, the LED will be turned on in red for 500 milliseconds again after turning off for some 10 milliseconds.

LED blinking in red indicates that data transfer errors are continuously detected.
The followings are causes of data transfer error.

* The quality of USB cable and USB adapter.
There are USB cables and USB adapters whose data transfer quality is not sufficient for transferring image data in SuperSpeed.
The longer USB cable, the more data transfer error will occur,
Our CMOS cameras have BERT (Bit Error Rate Tester) function for checking quality of USB line,
Refer to our home page about BERT function and recommended USB3.0 boards and USB3.0 cables.

* Wrong SIRM parameters (Transport layer parameters)
Host of a camera should set values calculated from image data size to SIPayloadTransferSize, SIPayloadTransferCount, SIPayloadTransfer1Size, and SIPayloadTransfer2Size registers in SIRM (Streaming Interface bootstrap Register Map) before starting streaming in USB3 Vision cameras.
Users can forget about these registers in usual case because TeliCamSDK will set these 4 register values internally.

If user application executes an unusual operation such as writing image size registers directly during camera stream is opened, data transfer error may occur due to inconsistency of image data size and SIRM parameters.
In this case, last part of the image will be discarded or last part of the image will be left not received (black). Users might not aware of data transfer error because most of the image is received correctly.
Please check bottom area of received image if the indicator LED is blinking in red.


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