Industrial Cameras FAQ/ Does TeliCamSDK support chunk...

Does TeliCamSDK support chunk feature of camera? (No.1542)

TeliCamSDK PkgVer2.1.1.1 or later supports chunk feature of cameras.

Call GetCamChunkModeActive() and SetCamChunkModeActive() function to get/set enabled state of chunk feature. Call GetChunkModeActive() method and SetChunkModeActive() method of CameraControl class when you write a program in C# or VB.NET.

Calling GenICam function Chunk_AttachBuffer() will allow you to access chunk information associated with the image data; you can access available nodes calling GenICam functions such as Nd_GetIntValue(), Nd_GetFloatValue(), and so on.
When you write a program in c# or VB.NET, calling ChunkAttachBuffer() method of CameraStream class will allow you to access chunk information associated with image data calling GenAPIWrapper class methods.

The information acquired from a chunk depends on the specification of the camera. Refer to instruction manual of the camera to learn available nodes which are supported by the camera.

To learn how to use the feature, refer to "5.5.26 Chunk" and "5.6.10 Chunk function" in the TeliCamAPI Library Manual. Sample code is available in the section

If you write a program in C# or VB.NET, refer to "5.5.26 Chunk method" and " ChunkAttachBuffer method" in TeliCamDNetAPI Library Manual.


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