Industrial Cameras FAQ/ Please show how to convert th...

Please show how to convert the image obtained from camera to the image format that OpenCV library can processed.(No.249)

For C, OpenCV provides IplImage structure for image management, and CvMat structure for other matrix manipulation. In C ++, OpenCV provides cv :: Mat class for manipulating both images and matrices.

When processing image data transmitted from a BU, DU or BG camera using OpenCV, process the image data in the IplImage structure or cv::Mat object after writing the transmitted image data in OpenCV image object. If the original image was a Bayer or a YUV format, write the transmitted image data converted to the 24 bit BGR format in IplImage structure object or a cv::Mat object.

The attached file describes an example of processing to write image data acquired from camera to IplImage structure or cv::Mat object. Please refer to the attached file.


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