Industrial Cameras FAQ/ Is the Camera Description Fil...

Is the Camera Description File (XML file) instruction manual available? (No.1528)

Camera Description File is a file defined in GenICam GenAPI standard, which contains all of required information to automatically map a camera's features to its registers. GenAPI library will read Camera Description File to get features that the camera has and to get additional information of the features, such as value type, maximum and minimum value, register address information. Camera Description File does not contain register value.

Camera Description File is described using XML (Extensible Markup Language). GenICam standard often uses "XML file" as a meaning of "Camera Description File". TeliGevViewer and TeliU3vViewer in TeliCamSDK uses "XML" as a meaning of "Information that GenAPI library got from a Camera Description File",

We don't provide instruction manual of Camera Description File, because Camera Description File is a file for GenAPI library, not for users to read or write.
Refer to instruction manual of the camera about how to get or set parameter of camera features.
"XML" tab page in TeliGevViewer or TeliU3vViewer is available for reading and writing actual camera feature parameters.

Refer to GenICam standard about specification of Camera Description File. GenICam standard is downloadable from the following URL.

The following URL publishes specification of Extensible Markup Language (XML).


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