Industrial Cameras FAQ
- What is Bayer filter? (No293)
- The lower part of an image is occasionally replaced to another frame image. Please show how to prevent this issue. (No294)
- TeliGevViewer detects BG series camera, but captures no images.(No328)
- How can I convert a Raw image sent from camera to BGR or BGRA format image?(No1540)
- Cannot get image even though succeeded in opening USB3.0 (BU / DU series) camera. (No1556)
- Want to know how to grab the image.(No1531)
- A log message that an exception occurred due to GenICamLogConfig environment variable is missing is shown in Visual Studio log window on debugging a TeliCamSDK application. This exception have no harm in actual, and I can do debugging application without any problems, but please show me how to eliminate this exception.(No255)
- Color image converted from camera raw image shows inappropriate color. (No1519)
- It fails to start C# application which uses TeliCamSDK V2.0.1.1 on a PC that TeliCamSDK V1.0.7.2 or earlier is installed.(No227)
- Where is library manual of TeliCamSDK? The start-up guide of TeliCamSDK says 'The specification of each function required for programming for using a camera is indicated in another document called "TeliCamSDK Library Manual".(No1532)
- What are IIDC and IIDC2? (No1546)
- Time out error occurs when NI Measurement & Automation Explorer(MAX) application tried to grab an image whose data size exceeds 5M bytes. (No1561)
- How can I save an image sent from the camera to a file?(No1541)
- Is the Camera Description File (XML file) instruction manual available? (No1528)
- GigE Vision camera (BG series) is not shown in IP Configuration Tool. (No1565)
- Too dark images are acquired under flashing light synchronizing with external trigger signal.(No1517)
- Please show how to convert the image obtained from camera to the image format that OpenCV library can processed.(No249)
- Does sensitivity rise at the binning function? [CameraLink camera](No302)
- In case of pulse width mode, is there any up-limitation of exposure time? [camera] (No292)
- Grabbing an image with a size exceeding 5 Mbytes by NI MAX (Measurement & Automation Explorer) results in timeout.(Uses Fresco Logic USB host controller)(No250)
- What is the chunk function of cameras?(No1521)
- What is unit of timestamp member of image information structure in USB3.0 cameras (BU /DU series) and GigE Vision cameras (BG series)?(No1516)
- How can I get firmware version of USB3.0 camera (BU / DU series)?(No1555)
- Image acquisition stops in USB3 Vision(BU) camera.(No1550)
- A camera is shown under multiple network adapters in IP Configuration Tool. How can I fix it?(No1527)
- TeliU3vViewer does not show a BU series camera. Device manager shows it as a properly working device. (No1483)
- It fails to write PixelFormat value written in the camera instruction manual to a camera.(No1520)
- Is it possible to design an application which can run on a PC that GenICam GenAPI library is not installed? (No1534)
- The following compilar warning is reported in C# application. There was a mismatch between the processor architecture of the project being built "MSIL" and the processor architecture of the reference(No230)
- Camera outputs no signal to DIO(GPIO) pin. (No298)
- Please show how to get PixelFormats (data format of pixels in camera output image) available in a camera in user application program.(No1500)
- When TeliCamAPI Strm_ReadCurrentImage () is executed, BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned. (When CameraStream.ReadCurrentImage () is executed, CamApiStatus.BufferTooSmall will be returned.(No1538)
- There are no VB.NET sample codes in TeliCamSDK package. Where can I get sample codes?(No1543)
- "Not Installed" is shown at Filter driver item of Adapter’s Information in IP Configuration Tool.(No305)
- Frame rate becomes low when acquiring BU / DU camera images with Windows 10 PC using Intel 7000 series Core i 7, i 5, i 3 CPU (Kaby Lake).(No1560)
- BG205M camera has FrameBurst mode feature. Please show how to set FrameBurst mode to a camera using TeliCamSDK. (No1536)
- Can BG series be used for TeliGCAM? [GigE camera](No320)
- I cannot find GenICam installation executing file.(No1530)
- How long is the maximum string length of UserDefinedName in USB3.0 cameras (BU / DU series) and GigE Vision cameras (BG series)?(No1513)
- How many GigE Vision cameras (BG series) can application program handle?(No1566)
- Don't know the setup method of multicast on TeliGevViewer [GigE camera](No324)
- What is Bus Synchronization mode of USB3.0 cameras (BU / DU series)? (No1557)
- What is BERT function of USB3.0 cameras (BU / DU series)?(No1558)
- The transfer speed can only be selected at S400 if you run TeliDCAM on Windows7. [IEEE1394 camera](No1465)
- Why there are cameras whose values writable to PixelFormat register are different from the other same model cameras?(No1518)
- It takes not short time to convert camera raw image data to BGR or BGRA format image. Are there solutions for making conversion time shorter?(No1537)
- Do GigE Vision cameras (BG series) have "User output" feature available in USB3.0 camera (BU / DU series) GPIO output? (No1567)
- TeliGCAM multiple connection can not be recognized on Windows XP? [GigE camera](No309)
- Show me how to check TeliCamSDK version.(No1524)
- INVALID_STREAM_HANDLE is returned from TeliCamAPI camera streaming functions(No1539)