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Questionnaire for Toshiba Group Sustainability Website

  • As your comments and suggestions will help us enrich the Sustainability Website, we would appreciate your cooperation.
How to fill in the questionnaire
Please click only one choice.
You may click multiple choices.

  • Please be sure to fill in items marked "required".

Q1. How do you rate Toshiba Group' s Sustainability Website ? required
Excellent   Good   Satisfactory   Unsatisfactory   Poor  

Q2. Please state the reason(s).

Q3. What are your expectations for Toshiba Group' s Sustainability activities and disclosure of Sustainability information?

Q4. What is your evaluation of this website? required
Content   Excellent   Satisfactory   Insufficient  
Length   Long   Appropriate   Short  
Design   Good   Satisfactory   Poor  
Ease of understanding   Easy   Satisfactory   Difficult  

Q5. Please state your reason(s).

Q6. Which subject was of the most interest to you and why?

Q7. Which of the following best describes you or your affiliation? required
Involved in the following at a company/organization
(Sustainability/CSR Environment Human resources Procurement Social contribution Customer relations Other )
Government or governmental body Journalist Research/educational institution
Financial/investment institution Shareholder Environmental NGO/NPO
Environmental specialist Supplier Student
Resident in a community where Toshiba Group has premises
Toshiba Group Employee
Other (Please specify:

Q8. Please feel free to comment or make suggestions.

Thank you. We appreciate it if you would answer the following.

Male   Female  

less than 20   in the 20' s   in the 30' s   in the 40' s  
in the 50' s   in the 60' s   in the 70' s   Above 80  


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